Computers + Wi-Fi
Public Access Computers
All Oakville Public Library branches are equipped with public access computers and loanable laptops which offer internet and email access, word processing and printing.
A library card is required to log in to the computers. If you are not an Oakville resident, please see staff to obtain a temporary guest pass.
Public Wi-Fi
Public wireless internet access is available at all library branches. To connect, ensure your Wi-Fi-compatible device is on and wireless networking is enabled.
In your Wi-Fi settings, select ‘Public Wireless’ and launch your browser. If you are having trouble connecting, ask a staff member for assistance. No library card is required.
Wi-Fi Hotspots
Public libraries play a vital role in providing Internet access to their communities. To address the needs of those who do not have access to high-speed Internet services at home, Oakville Public Library has introduced a new Wi-Fi Hotspots Lending Program which allows cardholders to borrow one of 30 portable Wi-Fi hotspots for up to one week at a time.
Any adult cardholder (18 years of age and older) or who self-identifies as not having internet access at home is eligible to borrow a Wi-Fi Hotspot from the Information Desk at your local branch.