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Enjoy March Break at the Library!

March Break is around the corner and we have a week full of enjoyable activities lined up. From March 10-16 the library has over 30 sessions across all branches.

Check out the the calendar here

You can enjoy the library from home too, all free of charge with an OPL card. 

  1. Head outdoors with a Sports Kit - choose from lacrosse, cricket, basketball, soccer, volleyball equipment and more!
  2. ​Get your home garden ready with seeds from our Seed Library
  3. Enjoy one of Halton's many park spaces with a free Conservation Halton or Ontario Park Pass.
  4. Try a library reading challenge with friends and family. 

  5. Practice a new skill with Creativebug - Try thousands of award-winning arts and craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists.

  6. Stream a movie on Kanopy - Stream thousands of classic films, documentaries, international and independent films.

  7. ​Go on a StoryWalk at a local park.