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Operations Policies

Purpose Statement

Oakville Public Library (OPL) provides exhibition space in its facilities to individuals or groups wishing to temporarily display artwork. These spaces allow the library to share the creative life of the community and foster a dialogue with the public at large. 

The purpose of the policy is to establish the conditions governing the temporary display of artwork.


This policy applies to individuals, groups or organizations that wish to exhibit their/its artistic works at any facility operated by OPL.

Policy Statement

OPL respects the principles of intellectual freedom and freedom of expression as outlined by the Canadian Federation of Library Associations in the Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries.

OPL is committed to working collaboratively with the artist or arts organization to maintain professionalism and the integrity of their exhibition. The allocation of space and length of exhibition will vary depending on the location. Local individuals, groups or organizations will be given preference.

To be considered for display in any facility operated by OPL, a proposed exhibit must:

  • Align with the library's business and community goals, as defined by the Strategic Plan;
  • Reflect and respect the diverse interests of the community and foster community and individual expression;
  • Respect the tenants of freedom of expression and human dignity;
  • Not infringe on any member of the public's right to feel safe and respected in the space;
  • Comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws, by-laws, library or Town of Oakville policies and regulations;
  • Not be primarily intended as advertising or soliciting for business, political, campaigning or fundraising.
    • Exhibited artworks may be available for sale and sales are coordinated through the artist or exhibiting community group.


      A new application must be submitted for each exhibition. Previous approvals do not grant the applicant automatic approval for subsequent exhibitions. 


      OPL retains the right to deny requests for exhibition space or change, cancel, or remove the exhibit, in part or in whole, for any reason.  Applicants who are denied permission to exhibit may, upon request, appeal to have the decision reviewed by the CEO, whose decision is final.

      Members of the public who object to any portion of an exhibit are required to contact OPL in writing, clearly outlining their objections. Decisions will be communicated in writing following a review.

      Related documents

      Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries - Canadian Federation of Library Associations

      Policy Number:          OP-003
      Policy Category:        Operations
      Approved by:    OPL Board 
      Accountability:    Director, Customer Experience
      Approval Date:           July 25, 2019
      Effective date:            July 26, 2019
      Next Review Date:     July 2022


      The public library is a foundational institution for informed and inclusive democracies, and it plays an important role in civic dialogue and debate. Oakville Public Library (Library) must always act and appear to act in a non-partisan way, especially during elections and referendums, while supporting the democratic process, freedom of expression, and informed discussion on social and political issues.
      The Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended, prohibits municipal boards including the Library from making campaign contributions to municipal candidates or registered third parties. This policy supports compliance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended, the Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Local Board Members, and the Employee Code of Conduct.
      The Library may engage in non-partisan activities that encourage political participation and voter awareness. Examples of such activities include using physical library space to serve as polling stations or library physical or virtual space to host all-candidate meetings/forums or to host programs and discussions about relevant current issues.


      This policy applies to all Members of Council, Town of Oakville or library staff, OPL Board members, volunteers, registered election candidates, registered third parties, and members of the public.

      Policy Statement

      Political Participation

      The Library encourages democratic participation and awareness through elections, demonstrations, and sharing of information on topics of political interest, in accordance with the Customer Code of Conduct Policy and Intellectual Freedom Policy. 
      Individuals who are conducting activities covered by this policy within library spaces must not intimidate or harass library users; must not block, hinder, or impede travel to or from the Library, and must not disrupt the orderly operation of the Library and its services.
      Posting or distributing partisan campaign or election material in libraries or on library property is not permitted. Registered candidates for political office, and registered third party advertisers may not use open Library space or property to solicit or advocate among library users and may not use open Library space or property to make public statements or host media events, unless they are part of a shared Library program or announcement.
      Library resources, assets or funding may not be used for any election related purposes, except as identified in this procedure.

      1. Election campaigning
      • a. Election campaign materials may not be displayed at Library facilities, unless otherwise outlined in this procedure.
      • b. Library owned, rented or run assets and facilities may be rented in accordance with Library policy and procedures and current rates and fees for election campaign activities providing the rental is available to all candidates and third parties. Use of rentals are subject to the following conditions:
        • All election campaign materials must only be displayed within the allotted rental period in the allotted rented area designated in the rental agreement; and
        • Rentals for campaign related activities are not permitted from the first date of advance voting to the day after voting day.
        • “All candidates” meetings can be held at the Library, either as a library program or sponsored by another group, provided that all candidates are invited to attend such meetings. A candidate cannot be featured or promoted in association with any other regular library program or event.
      • c. Registered candidates and registered third parties may attend Library organized or funded events during a campaign period, but may not display or distribute any campaign materials.

      1. Use of corporate identifiers and resources

      • a. The Library’s corporate logo, corporate branding, slogan or other corporate identifiers or that of its affiliates, shall not be used by any other body or person for any election campaign-related purposes.
      • b. Registered candidates and registered third parties may not use photographs, videos, electronic images, or graphics, produced by the town or its affiliates. However, use of Oakville Public Library videos that are posted to YouTube is permitted, allowing the use of such videos in election campaign material, in accordance with YouTube’s Terms of Service
      • c. Use of photographs or videos not produced by the Library or its affiliates, and taken from a publicly accessible place, in campaign advertising containing the corporate logo, corporate branding, slogan or other corporate identifiers is not in contravention of paragraph 2(a) of this procedure.
      • d. Corporate resources shall not be used for:
        • the printing or distribution of any material that illustrates that a member of Council or any other individual is registered or intends to run for office; or
        • the printing or distribution of any campaign material that makes reference to, or contains the names or photographs, or identifies registered candidates.
      • e. No Library consumable materials, such as toner and paper, associated with computer systems shall be used for election campaign-related purposes.
      • f. Lists and files produced using Library resources, with the exception of lists produced for election purposes in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, may not be used for any election campaign-related purposes.
      • g. In accordance with the Online Communications Policy, the Library will not publish any material used to promote individual political opinions or campaigns.
      1. Oakville Public Library Staff and Volunteers

      • In accordance with the Employee Code of Conduct, Library staff and volunteers, including any contractors providing services to the Library shall not canvass or actively work for any candidate or registered third party during hours in which the staff/contractor is receiving compensation from the Library or in the case of volunteers during their scheduled volunteer hours.
      • The Library and library staff and volunteers will not support, endorse, or advocate the viewpoints or beliefs of any one candidate, political party, partisan organization, or group.
      1. Library services

      • The following Library services shall be discontinued for Members of Council as of nomination day:

        • all forms of advertising, including advertising in Library publications; and
        • all printing, photocopying and distribution, including printing and general distribution of newsletters unless so directed and approved by the Library.
      1. Technology related provisions

      • a. Any links to external personal sites from an individual Member of Council serving on the Library Board on the Library website will be removed the date nomination papers are filed during a municipal election year. These links may include election-related web sites, social media links or domain names.

      • b. Websites, domain names, emails, or other corporate systems that are funded by the Library shall not include any election-related campaign material or links to sites that feature election-related campaign material.

      • c. Registered candidates and Members of Council may not use the Library website, domain names, and other systems, for campaigning or display of any.

      • d. Election-related materials. Links to the Library’s website are permitted from a candidate’s election website for the purpose of obtaining information about the election or sharing program/service information.

      Policy Number: PS-008
      Policy Category: General
      Approved by: OPL Board
      Accountability: Chief Executive Officer
      Approval Date: September 18, 2024
      Effective date: September 19, 2024
      Next Review Period:   2026  
      Supersedes: Election Related Resources Policy


      The Oakville Public Library (OPL) supports a volunteer group, Friends of the Library (FOL), which supplements the efforts of paid library employees, enhances services to the public, and organizes/executes a variety of fundraising events on behalf of OPL. The FOL creates opportunities for community members to actively participate in fundraising for the Library, and welcomes their extended knowledge, talents, and skills.


      This policy specifically applies only to FOL volunteers, and excludes the OPL Board and OPL’s program and services volunteers.

      This policy applies to all FOL volunteers performing work for the Library without wages, benefits, or expectation of compensation of any kind, including but not limited to:

    • FOL Committee Chair 
    • FOL Committee 
    • Donation Sorters 
    • Book Sale Volunteers 
    • Students completing community hours requirements/placements/internships 
    • Individuals referred by social service agencies/institutions 
    • Individuals engaging in philanthropy on behalf of OPL 
    • Designated FOL event staff 

      FOL volunteers do not replace or displace library employees. Volunteer tasks are such that they can be performed satisfactorily with reasonable in-house training.

      Policy Statement 

    • It is the policy of the OPL to support a FOL group to enhance and enrich the services which OPL provides to the community. This is done by actively engaging members of the community who wish to support the Library’s vision, mission and values and contribute to their community through volunteerism.
    • FOL volunteers do not replace paid employees and shall not be considered library employees.
    • FOL volunteer placements are identified by FOL committee members. These placements are not permanent and will be reviewed and revised according to the needs of the FOL group.
    • The minimum age for volunteers is 14 years, however some volunteer positions require volunteers to be at least 18 years of age.
    • All FOL committee volunteers will be recruited and undergo a formal screening process, including in-person interviews and potential reference checks. Acceptance into a volunteer position is not automatic.
    • FOL volunteers are guided and bound by the same policies and procedures as library employees. OPL can discontinue the service of FOL committee members or volunteers who do not adhere to the policies and procedures of the library, or who fail to satisfactorily meet the expectations of their volunteer assignment.
    • All library volunteers are covered by the Town of Oakville’s insurance policy for third party liability. Volunteers are excluded from WSIB benefits under the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act.

      Policy Number: OP-010
      Policy Category: Operations
      Approved by: Oakville Public Library Board
      Accountability: CEO or designate
      Approval Date: January 16, 2025
      Effective Date: January 17, 2025
      Next Review Date: 2027
      Supersedes: N/A

      Download: Friends of the Library Volunteer Policy (PDF)

      Purpose Statement

      The Oakville Public Library (OPL) is committed to keeping its community informed, and ensure its messages to the media are clear, consistent, and accurate. The Media Relations Policy provides a clear list of individuals who are permitted to speak to the media on behalf of OPL.


      This policy applies to all OPL stakeholders including, but not limited to, OPL staff, board members, volunteers, partners, and sponsors. In order to speak or write to the media on behalf of OPL, one must obtain written authorization from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or their designate.

      Policy Statement

      The library's Integrated Marketing and Communications department is the central contact point for all requests for information from the media. All such information requests received by staff members, OPL board members, or volunteers shall be forwarded to, and fielded by, the Manager of Integrated Marketing and Communications or designate.
      The following designated spokespersons are permitted to speak on behalf of the OPL:

      • Chair of the board

      • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

      • Director, Innovation & Integration

      • Manager, Integrated Marketing & Communications

      No one else is authorized to speak or write to the media on behalf of OPL without prior written authorization from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or their designate.
      When a media request is submitted, the Manager of Integrated Marketing and Communications will confer with the CEO or designate to determine the appropriate course of action. The Chair of the board will be consulted as required.

      On occasion, the CEO, Chair of the board, Director of Innovation and Integration, and/or Manager of Integrated Marketing and Communications, may authorize a board member or a staff member to speak to the media with respect to a specific issue relative to their area of expertise. These appointments shall be limited, and for a designated time period.
      If, at any time, OPL staff members, board members or volunteers identify themselves to the media, are identified by the media, or identify themselves through an online or social media platform, it must be indicated that the views expressed are personal views, and not necessarily those of OPL.
      The Chair of the board shall be notified immediately when responses are made to the media on behalf of OPL. All board members shall be notified within 24 hours after a statement has been made to the media.

      Policy Number: OP-005
      Policy Category: Operations
      Approved by: OPL Board 
      Accountability: CEO or designate
      Approval Date: September 18, 2024
      Effective date: September 19, 2024
      Next Review Date: July 2028
      Supersedes: February 21, 2020, September 25, 2008, June 23, 2005, May 23, 2002, June 29, 1988 

      Purpose Statement:

      The Oakville Public Library (OPL) is committed to working with external organizations to develop and deliver services and programs that support our strategic goals and embody our core values. The Partnership Policy aims to maximize our impact on creating a vibrant, inclusive community where every member can thrive.

      The purpose of this policy is to communicate the decision-making framework that OPL uses with external organizations, individuals, community groups, and agencies, in the development and delivery of services and programs when engaging with external partners. 


      This policy applies to all forms of collaboration between OPL and external organizations, community groups, and individuals. This includes both formal partnerships and informal collaborations that are local in nature.

      A partnership is defined as a mutually beneficial collaboration, either formal or informal, that supports library activities, services, and programs.

      This policy does not apply to:
    • Philanthropic gifts or donations
    • Grants or funds.
    • Sponsorships or contributions made by the library to projects managed by external organizations.
    • Financial Transfers
    • High-Profile Events
    • Targeted project/Capital Campaigns
      • Policy Statement:

        OPL engages with partners based on the following criteria to achieve our organizational goals effectively:
      • Partnerships must align with OPL’s mission, vision, and values of equitable access, curiosity, belonging, intellectual freedom, and exceptional service.
      • All partners must comply with and adhere to all relevant OPL policies and procedures to ensure that our collaborations uphold the integrity and objectives of the library.
      • Collaborations should extend or enhance OPL's programs, resources, and services in sustainable and measurable ways, as aligned with OPL's Strategic Plan.
      • Partners are responsible for identifying and managing any financial costs that go beyond standard library operation and equipment. Any costs must be discussed and agreed upon in collaboration with OPL prior to the commencement of the partnership."
      • Partnerships must foster an environment of belonging and respect, committing to eliminate barriers in program and service delivery.
      • Priority is given to collaborations that address unmet community needs.
      • Partners must demonstrate alignment with our values, a commitment to ongoing evaluation, and the ability to collaborate effectively through agreements such as MOUs or formal partnership documents.
      • Partners must be in good financial standing with OPL or the Town, not involved in litigation with either, and legally recognized to operate in Canada.
        • The Senior Leadership Team is authorized to approve or deny proposals for local and informal collaborations. Formal partnerships may require additional review and approvals according to OPL's governance structure. Should there be any disputes or disagreements regarding decisions, they can be appealed to the Chief Executive Officer, who will make the final determination on any library-community collaboration.


          Partnership: a mutually beneficial collaboration, either formal or informal, that supports library activities, services, and programs.

          Formal Collaboration: all parties involved have entered into a written and signed collaboration agreement that explicitly outlines their respective roles, responsibilities, and obligations.

          Informal Collaboration: A partnership that operates without a written collaboration agreement. These collaborations are often characterized by flexibility and are typically used for short-term or less complex projects where formal agreements are not deemed necessary.

          External Partnership: A cooperative arrangement between the Oakville Public Library and any outside organization, group, or individual that is not part of the library or the Town of Oakville.

          Policy Number: OP-001
          Policy Category: Operations
          Approved by: OPL Board
          Accountability: Director, Innovation and Integration
          Approval Date: June 20, 2024
          Effective date: June 21, 2024
          Next Review Date: 2027
          Supersedes: Partnership Policy effective April 25, 2019

          Purpose Statement

          The Oakville Public Library (OPL) charges fees in accordance with the Public Libraries Act, RSO 1990, c. P.44. In doing so, OPL strives to balance its philosophy of equitable access with its obligation for financial accountability. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that staff and the public are aware of the nature of the fees charged, the approval process and where a record of the fees can be found.


          This policy applies to all services and programs delivered by the OPL on its own or in partnership with other organizations.

          Policy Statement

          Oakville Public Library (OPL) is committed to maintaining barrier-free access library service and recognizes that financial barriers should be minimized whenever possible.

          OPL does not charge fines for overdue materials but does impose replacement fees for lost or damaged materials, rental fees for booking library spaces, and cost-recovery fees for material use in Creation Zone services and specialized library events.

          Other rates and fees may be charged for specific services, programs, equipment, spaces or materials on a cost-recovery basis.

          All rates and fees are approved on a yearly basis by the OPL as part of the annual operating budget planning process and listed on the Town of Oakville website, as well as on the relevant pages on the OPL website.


          Library Booking Space Policy
          Membership Policy
          Public Libraries Act, RSO 1990, c. P.44

          Policy Number: OP-007 
          Policy Category: Operations 
          Approved by: OPL Board 
          Accountability: CEO or designate
          Approval Date: January 16, 2025
          Effective Date: January 17, 2025
          Next Review Date: 2028
          Supersedes: Rates and Fees Policy approved May 28, 2021


          Room / Space: any Oakville Public Library room / space at any location that has been booked for / by the client and is specified in the booking.

          Client: the organization, group or the individual that has entered into a contract to book any of the Oakville Public Library spaces.

          Library Space Booking Policy


          The Oakville Public Library has spaces that are used in ways consistent with OPL’s mission, values and strategic priorities.  This includes, but is not limited to, conducting library business such as programs, events or meetings.  When not required for library use, select spaces are available for booking by individuals, groups and organizations. 

          The purpose of this policy is to ensure equitable access to services, to maintain a welcoming, safe and supportive environment, and to outline the conditions of use and the fees where applicable. The decision to offer complimentary or paid access to designated spaces to individuals and organizations is guided by several policies, most notably the Inclusion and Intellectual Freedom Policies.  Permission to use these spaces does not imply any endorsement of the aims, policies or activities of any group or individual.


          This policy applies to individuals, groups or organizations that book rooms or space from Oakville Public Library.  The term “client” refers to the organization, group or individual that has booked one of the Oakville Public Library's select spaces.

          All space bookings are subject to meeting the requirements laid out in this policy and the Room and Space Rental Terms of Use.


          Use and fee structure:

          Rental Spaces:

          When not required for library business, designated spaces may be rented by individuals, non-profit community groups and organizations and commercial entities as per the fee schedule outlining the regular and non-profit rates.

          Complimentary Work and Study Spaces:

          When not required for library business, designated work and study spaces may be reserved for collaborative or individual work or study. These complimentary spaces are available for use at no charge and reservations will be made on a first come, first served basis. Reservations may be made for the same day, or in advance where applicable.

          Interested parties can contact their local branch or visit to view spaces available for rental or booking.

          Conditions of use:

        • The library grants to the client the non-assignable right to use the space and any supplied equipment solely for the purposes of, and on the dates and times stated, the booking. Topics of discussion and the names of speakers including their affiliation must be disclosed at the time of booking.
        • In using the space and the supplied equipment, the client and all persons admitted in the space during the client's use will comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws, by-laws, policies and regulations including the library's Customer Code of Conduct and the Room and Space Rental Terms of Use.
        • Library staff reserves the right to access the space at all times and may attend any event being conducted by the client in the space for the purpose of auditing or reviewing compliance with library policies.
        • Preparation and distribution of all publicity or marketing materials regarding any event to be held in the space are the sole responsibility of the client. Unless approved in advance by the library in writing, the use of the library logo or any mark identified as library-related on such materials is not permitted. Any advertisement, publicity or media of any kind must not imply endorsement by the library of the content of the program or event in any way. The use of the library name should be limited only to the location address for the event.
        • Retail sales of any goods and/or services by commercial organizations or individuals are not permitted unless approved in advance by the CEO or designate.
        • No games of chance, including lotteries, are permitted.

          Denial of use:

          The library reserves the right to interrupt, deny or cancel a booking as may be determined by the following:

        • The client does not comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws, by-laws, policies and regulations including the library's Customer Code of Conduct and Room and Space Rental Terms of Use.
        • The activities conducted pose a risk to the health and safety of the public or staff.
        • There is a likelihood that the premises or the equipment will be misused and/or damaged.
        • It is deemed that the client misrepresented anything for the purposes of the booking.
        • The activity conducted in the space duplicates or is in conflict with library services, programs or event offerings.
        • The library becomes aware that the space is intended to be a regular location for the client's activities or that the client is listing the Library’s address as its business address.
        • Past misuse of the space.

          If the library interrupts, denies or cancels a booking for any of the reasons listed above, it is under no obligation to provide a refund or to allow the client the use of the space or any other library facilities or property in the future. The client waives the right to any damages or compensation of any kind should its use of the space be so interrupted, denied or cancelled.


          Applicants who are denied permission to use these facilities may, upon written request, have the decision reviewed by the CEO, whose decision shall be final.

          Policy Number: OP-002
          Policy Category: Operations
          Approved By: OPL Board
          Accountability: CEO or Designate
          Approval Date: November 21, 2024
          Effective Date: November 22, 2024
          Next Review Date: 2027
          Supersedes: Library Space Booking Policy effective December 9, 2022


          Oakville Public Library (OPL) supports a volunteer program that supplements the efforts of paid library employees and enhances services to the public. The volunteer program creates opportunities for community members to actively participate in the operation of the library, welcoming the extended knowledge, talents and skills of volunteers. 


          This policy applies to volunteers in all programs and services authorized by and undertaken on behalf of the library, with the exception of the OPL Board and the volunteers and members of the Friends of the Oakville Public Library (FOL). This policy applies to all individuals performing work for the library without wages, benefits or expectation of compensation of any kind, including but not limited to:

        • Students completing community hours requirements/placements/internships;
        • Individuals referred by social service agencies/institutions;
        • Community members delivering books and other materials to homebound customers; 
        • Community members assisting in the delivery of programs or events to library customers on a voluntary basis.
        • Individuals engaging in philanthropy on behalf of OPL.
          • Volunteers do not replace or displace library employees. Volunteer tasks are such that they can be performed satisfactorily with reasonable in-house training.

            Policy Statement

          • It is the policy of the OPL to support a volunteer program to enhance and enrich the services which it provides to the community. This is done by actively engaging members of the community who wish to support the library’s vision, mission and values and contribute to their community through volunteerism.
          • Volunteers do not replace paid employees and shall not be considered as library employees.  Opportunities for volunteer placements are identified by library employees. These placements are not permanent and will be reviewed and revised according to the needs of the library.
          • The minimum age for volunteers is 14 years, however some volunteer positions require volunteers to be at least 18 years of age. All volunteers ages 18 and up must obtain a Police Vulnerable Sector Check, for which the fee will be reimbursed by the library.  All volunteers will be recruited and undergo a formal screening process, including inperson interviews and reference checks. Acceptance into a volunteer position is not automatic.
          • Volunteers are guided and bound by the same policies and procedures as library employees. OPL can discontinue the service of volunteers who do not adhere to the policies and procedures of the library or who fail to satisfactorily meet the expectations of their volunteer assignment.
          • All library volunteers are covered by the Town of Oakville’s insurance policy for third party liability. Volunteers are excluded from WSIB benefits under the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act.

            • Policy Number:      OP-004
              Policy Category:    Operations
              Approved by:         Oakville Public Library Board    
              Accountability:      CEO or designate
              Approval Date:       February 20, 2020
              Effective Date:        February 21, 2020
              Next Review Date: 4 Years from Effective Date
              Supersedes:          Policy dated May 29, 2014 (Motion # 14.05.52)