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Donation Hub

Donate Now 
Help us build the new Central Branch
Be a part of our story

Join us in creating a landmark that will stand as a beacon of knowledge, culture, and community connection in Oakville. There are many ways you can contribute to the success of the new Central Branch, from donations to volunteering and partnerships.

Why you should donate

Every contribution, big or small, helps us build a library that serves as a community cornerstone. Government funding covers our core expenses (i.e. operations, administration, infrastructure and maintenance). Your financial support will enable us to offer enhanced services, state-of-the-art facilities, and innovative programs.

One-Time Gift
Make a direct impact with a single donation.

Recurring Donations
 Provide ongoing support with a monthly or annual gift.

Legacy Giving
 Consider including OPL in your estate planning to create a lasting legacy.

Corporate Sponsorship
 Businesses can play a crucial role through financial support, in-kind donations, or by sponsoring specific library programs or spaces.

Partner with OPL

We believe in the power of collaboration. Schools, businesses, not-for-profit organizations, and other community partners can support us in a variety of ways. 

Enhance Programs: 
Collaborate on educational initiatives, literacy programs, and cultural events.

Support Community Needs: 
Work together to address community issues through targeted library services.

Innovate and Experiment: 
Co-create innovative spaces and services that reflect the evolving needs of our community